Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

TDP - Day One

Day One started off (though thanks to jet lag whether Day Zero had ended was debatable) with blood tests, a weigh in and photo taking. The TDP usually includes medical supervision which includes these tests. It is possible to do the program without them, though they are a huge part of the benefits you’re likely to get. It’s useful though if a companion is coming with you, and they don’t need the supervision.

TDP - Day Zero

I’m including Day Zero as we flew in a day early into San Francisco. We had the benefit of getting an early night (not that jet lag would let us actually sleep of course) and got our first taste of McDougall food on the program, which was a bean burrito. I’ll get photos aded later - we took pics of pretty much everything we ate. For those that don’t know, the McDougall Ten Day Program (TDP) is a live in program where you (and hopefully friends and family) can come and learn about a whole foods plant based diet, exercise for functional fitness, a bit of psychology and how to buy and cook these foods once you’re back in the real world.

Attempt 2 Day 5

Today’s stats: Statistic Value Weight (KG) 93.9 Weight Δ 1.9 Weight Trend (KG) — BMI — Body Fat (%) — Blood Pressure — Blood Glucose — Day 5, although I still haven’t really fully started as I’ve still being having the occassional alcohol. However food wise, I’m pretty close.

Attempt 2 Day 1

Today’s stats: Statistic Value Weight (KG) 95.8 Weight Δ — Weight Trend (KG) — BMI — Body Fat (%) — Blood Pressure — Blood Glucose — So today is the official first day of attempt 2 on the Starch Solution. Hopefully things will go better this time, although to be fair, they went very well the first time - nearly 10kg (22lbs) in two months with pretty much zero effort.

Back in the red

Well it has been sometime since I updated this blog and as many will have guessed I fell off the wagon. On the bright side, I didn’t revert totally to my old habits. I still don’t eat meat and for the most part avoid dairy. Occassionally I get suckered by a piece of cheese, but that’s a pretty rare event. These days for example I prefer my pizza without cheese - it just tastes better!

Completed the 10K!

Well, it came around a lot faster than I’d expected, and although I wasn’t ready for it (by a long shot) and the rain was pouring down, I took part in the 10KM run at the Standard Chartered Marathon. It went pretty well all things considered, in particular I hit both of my goals: Cross the finish line and don’t die trying Complete it within the 1:40 window of my group My time was 1:34:21 Here are some pics of me making it across the line.

Quick Recap

Well, the sharp eyed amongst you might have noticed that I haven’t posted in a while. That’s mostly because I fell off the wagon a little. I didn’t however fall all the way off, just enough to stall my progress. This was a combination of factors such as stressing about assignments and other projects and generally not having enough time to get things done. This post isn’t meant to be an apology, my choices are my own, and stupid or not, I think they’re pit falls that a number of people could fall into.

Day 67 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats: Statistic Value Weight (KG) 88.1 Weight Δ -9.4 Weight Trend (KG) 88.1 BMI — Body Fat (%) 28.4 Blood Pressure — Blood Glucose — Not much to update for this one, apart from the fact that my weight loss trend seems to be tapering off. This is likely because I’ve started running in the last couple of weeks, and even though my body fat percentage seems to be going down a little (though I’m far from convinced that it’s anywhere near accurate) my actual weight loss is basically bugger all.
