Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Getting Started

The Starch Solution is a book written by Dr. John McDougall and puts into words the history and logic behind this way of eating. Although there are a lot of resources out there, what I was really looking for was a page that I could share with people who were interested in these ideas so they could learn more and get started. Hopefully this page will help pull some resources together.


Not sure what the Starch Solution is about? Never heard of John McDougall? Check out this short Tedx talk and see whether what he has to say rings true to you:

Now, this clip really does border on propaganda, but it really makes a critical point. Although people are called out in this clip, Dr. McDougall feels they are fair game as they are selling books and taking money from people who hope to improve their health. Take a look:

If any of these ring true to you, then definitely check out some of the following presentations and videos.

Tell me more…

So carbs make you fat? Check out this short but pretty clear video on why that makes absolutely no sense Okay, it’s a little on the dramatic / cheesy side, but it definitely gets its point across. Take a look:

Dr. McDougall gives a great presentation on the Starch Solution that covers much more ground than could be done in a short TedX talk. He also uses slides which helps really drive the points home. The best version of this talk (in my opinion anyway) is this one:

Dr. McDougall has another really nice presentation that he gave at one of the Advanced Study Weekend (ASW) which covers similar content but offers more depth and coverage of some areas that weren’t focused on in the presentation above:

But I have a food addiction!

That’s what society would like you to believe, that you have some sort of addiction and it’s just simply because you don’t have the willpower to get out of it that you’re having trouble. This is so far from the truth as to be a great miscarriage of justice. You’re not addicted, you’re simply caught in the pleasure trap…

Check out this really nice talk by Dr. Doug Lisle who walks you through why you’re working just fine - it’s not you, it’s the food!

If you found that interesting and would like to see an extended version with a focus more on weight loss, check this one out:

Aren’t humans omnivores?

No, I don’t believe we are, and there’s a lot of evidence that supports that. Because we can consume meat, does not mean that we’re designed to, though I will admit the human body’s ability to handle diversity is impressive!

Here’s my favourite talk on that subject by Dr. Milton Mills. He offers a range of different pieces of evidence that suggests humans are actually herbivores: