Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Challenge Accepted!

I decided to start this blog after a very simple discussion with my doctor, where it was basically said that starches (rice, potato and so forth) make you fat and are responsible for raising triglyceride levels. This may be true when combined with the traditional western or SAD (Standard American Diet), but the blame is being attributed to the wrong foods. This misunderstanding of human nutrition is the cause of much suffering and preventable disease.

I’ve known that for a long time. I’ve studied the work of the top scientists and medical doctors in the field of human nutrition. I’ve seen their lectures, read their books and completed some of their courses (such as the [certificate in Plant Nutrition]() and [the Starch Solution Certification]()). Their work is intuitive, logical and well grounded. I am confident that this is the correct way to eat, but as they saying, knowing and doing are very different things, and despite knowing better, I did not adjust my diet.

My few seconds of conversation with my doctor changed that. That was when knowing and doing came together for me. It suddenly clicked. If he doesn’t know the truth, then it’s unlikely manner others do as well. The consequences of that realization are pretty disturbing and the potential for wide spread damage truly horrifying.

So, I decided to take on the mainstream medical profession. I’ve made a career out of correctly backing the underdog, and I see no reason to quit now. The challenge is to follow the starch solution as best I can, and demonstrate through my own actions that it is a viable diet and that rather than making people fat, starches make people trim and healthy. My goal is to record my progress day by day and hopefully provide some inspiration or perhaps even evidence that others who want to walk this path are searching for before they take the plunge.

So, let’s see how this goes…