Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

About Me

My name is Peter Membrey and I work as a software developer in the finance industry. I’ve never had much luck with diets of any kind even though I tried pretty much all that were out there. I tried the Primal Blueprint, but it didn’t seem to agree with me, and the logic behind what we should eat just didn’t make sense (though that said, I really like the other aspects of the lifestyle even though I’m not sold on the diet aspect).

I’d long since studied the work of Dr. John McDougall, Mary McDougall, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Doug Lisle and many others. I’ve read their research, their books, and watched all of their lectures that I could find online. Everything they said made sense. Unlike the Paleo approach, for me, the whole plant foods approach not only made scientific sense, but it also agreed with my own innate sense of what seemed reasonable and logical.

However knowing and doing are very different things and despite knowing what I should do, I never actually got around to doing it. It wasn’t until I had a body check done (pretty popular in Hong Kong and involve having a whole battery of tests) and my doctor suggested that I should keep off the starches to get my weight down that everything clicked for me.

So since then, and as tracked on this blog, I have kept to the Starch Solution (though there are bound to be some bumps along the way) and have tracked my results publicly as an experiment of n=1 (sample size of one). I firmly believe that many if not all of the diseases we see today are caused by what we eat, and that by simply fixing what we eat, we can prevent or even reverse the diseases. The mainstream medical profession suggests otherwise, and I hope my work in this area will help to show others that there is another way.

Ultimately I hope to be able to share more than just my own successes here, but that’s something for later :)