Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 2 - Starch Solution

I still haven’t done the work on the template as I’ve been spending my time working on the eCornell Plant Nutrition course which is written by Dr. T Colin Campbell. Dr Campbell has made many presentations, many of which are available on YouTube. However this course goes into much more depth and is really enjoyable.

Here’s the stats for today. I think I’ll need to put them in an easy to use table - won’t be much use to anyone posted like this (and I need to figure out why it isn’t formatting nicely).

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 96.8
BMI 31.3
Body Fat (%) 35.7
Blood Pressure 119 / 73 @67
Blood Glucose 5.5


Today I tried doubling up the dose from yesterday. Two packets of oats and two sachets. This actually kept me full until lunch time. When midday came around, I was still still okay, though was definitely starting to feel a bit hungry. Given that it only really gave me an extra hour of fullness and doubled the calorie intake (on the understanding that I would like to lose weight, despite not being interested in calories per-se), I’m not sure if it’s worth doing. I’ll experiment tomorrow and go back to only one packet and see how that goes…


Lunch was identical to dinner yesterday - and will likely continue to be so during this experiment. I don’t have a photo to share of it because, well, I ate it before I remembered that a photo would have been helpful :D

In any case I had it around 12pm and it wasn’t until 5pm that I actually got hungry.


Well I got hungry so I did have another McDougall snack pot. They’re pretty tasty and they’re easy and quick to make. I just wish I could get a greater variety of them here. I had one at 5:30 ish, as I wasn’t planning to head out until 7pm and I often walk part of the way home, so it wouldn’t be time for dinner until say 8ish if I was lucky. I also had a nice ripe banana and apple. I might need to adjust the way I approach the meals to make sure I stay fuller on starch, but so far it’s not too bad.


This was pretty much identical to yesterday - rice and potato with broccoli and choi sum. Simple, starchy and very tasty.


I have noticed that this diet makes me feel full in a different way, similar to how the hunger is different too. I suspect this is due to the “lighter” nature of a plant based diet. I just generally feel more effortless I guess is the way to put it.

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