Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 9 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 93.7
Weight Δ -3.8
Weight Trend (KG) 95.9
BMI 30.3
Body Fat (%) 34.9%
Blood Pressure 125 / 73 @ 66
Blood Glucose 5.9

Well, the weight drop today was a bit of a surprise. I had expected (and half hoped) that it would retrace and go back to 95KG, rather than all the way down to 93.7KG. Then again, tomorrow it will be back to around 94.5KG I would guess. You just simply don’t drop that much weight overnight. Most likely yesterday was at the top of the weight band and today is at the bottom. Generally it tends to sit near the middle, but of course there’s nothing stopping it going either way. So yes, I suspect a significant retrace in the opposite direction tomorrow :)

I’m still trying to work breakfast out. I keep going from deciding I’m hungry and I should eat, to not feeling hungry and should probably hold off. But if I hold off too long, and then I get hungry, it puts it too close to lunch time, and there’s a limit to how late I can reasonably eat my lunch. I suspect I’m just dealing with signals and feelings that I’ve not had before and so I just don’t know how to interpret them. Perhaps a bit like Neo when he opens his eyes for the first time and asks why they hurt and Morpheus tells him it’s because he’s never used them before. Okay, perhaps it’s not on that scale, but still - it is odd and a bit disconcerting…

I ended up grabbing two very ripe bananas from the table this morning (nice and spotting with a delicious sweet banana smell), and had one of those mixed in with my oats. Interestingly enough it tasted a lot like caramel for some reason. Pretty tasty. Lunch was the usual but, just like last night, the broccoli was replaced with celery slices. Very tasty, especially with the freshly sliced salted pickle. I’m hoping it doesn’t contain too much salt, but I don’t add any to the food on my plate and no salt is used in the cooking, so I figure I’m probably okay. Hopefully.

I didn’t eat dinner too late and ended up grabbing another ripe banana as a pre-dinner snack. I hadn’t intended to, I had meant to have it afterwards, but it was so ripe that it start peeling itself when I picked it up and so, well, I had to eat it ;)

Dinner was the same as always. Still not bored with it, still feeling pretty good and right now, no cravings.

All in all a pretty good day :)

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