Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 12 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG)
Weight Δ
Weight Trend (KG)
Body Fat (%)
Blood Pressure 116 / 76 @ 83
Blood Glucose 4.7

Today I wasn’t able to get weight data as quite honestly I woke up too late and had to rush everything this morning. I was able to take the other two measurements at work, so I’ve included those. I won’t take the weight later as I try to keep it all measured at the same time of day in the same circumstances to make them more consistent.

Breakfast today was a single packet of the oats and a banana. Pretty filling, didn’t feel the need to eat until way after 12 which is interesting. Lunch was the usual lunch box apart from the fact that it was missing the usual potatoes so I had a jumbo portion of rice. Now, I’m not really a rice person and generally I’d go for noodles over rice every time. So having a lunch box half full of rice was a bit of a problem.

Turns out it wasn’t as big a problem as I thought it would be and I was able to get through it quite easily. I suspect the tasty salty pickle helped quite a bit there. That said I don’t think I would have been able to get through this much rice previously. I’m not sure if that means my stomach is expanding to accommodate the larger amount of food that I seem to be eating (in terms of bulk) or if it’s just a mindset thing.

Dinner was a nice subway veggie delight and a bottle of water. Nothing special but was nice and filling and pretty tasty. It ended up being a very late night due to having to fix an urgent document which meant not getting to bed before 3am sigh.

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