Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 15 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 91.6
Weight Δ -5.9
Weight Trend (KG) 94.1
BMI 29.6
Body Fat (%) 32.9
Blood Pressure 122 / 82 @ 77
Blood Glucose 5.1

Today wasn’t a late day despite it being a holiday, but I was in a rush to meet my family at the restaurant (where I will probably have nothing but weak Chinese tea). Initially I was going to attend as well, I can’t eat anything, it’s very noisy and everyone speaks Chinese (which I can’t understand). So it was a leisurely start, got my weight recorded, and then it was decided that I would attend after all - and the rest was a bit of a rush. That’s why, although today I have my weight recorded, I don’t actually have my blood pressure and glucose values as of first thing. In fact I took them after my trip to the restaurant (and getting my foot checked and my hair cut). That said, I didn’t eat at the restaurant, so the fasting values shouldn’t be too far off base…

Today’s weight was a bit of a shocker and it goes to show how random the scales are. I don’t see how I could have dropped nearly 3KG in just a couple of days. Of course, this could have been dropped over a week but the scale kept reading high and so it only appears that I dropped it in three days when in actual fact it was over a lot longer period. This is why you just can’t trust the daily measurements a scale gives you - it will put you on an emotional roller coasting ride which will not only screw with your blood pressure but make you wonder if all the hard work you’re putting in is worth it. I would bet that a large percentage of people who were otherwise doing okay on their diets would give up after the scales messed with their heads. [The Hacker’s Diet]() covers this at some length (there is some really good stuff in there) and I think the trend is super helpful here. 94.1KG is still pretty awesome.

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