Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 17 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 93.7
Weight Δ -3.9
Weight Trend (KG) 93.7
BMI 30.3
Body Fat (%)
Blood Pressure 115 / 72 @ 75
Blood Glucose 5.2

Well, as predicted my weight did increase today and in this case took it all the way up to the trend line. Just as I wasn’t expecting it to drop so far, I was also not expecting it to rise that far either! Still, this really does demonstrate that snapshot nature of getting on the scales. If I didn’t focus on the trend, I’d have been super elated yesterday and now terribly depressed today and wondering what I ate that made the difference. Was it a little bit too much potato? Did I have one too many grapes?

The reality is I probably ate later than usual yesterday so I didn’t have time to complete digestion and I had a little extra salty pickle which quite likely meant that I retained water as well. That could easily explain the difference right there. I’m not going to stress about it though, this is a normal part of the process, and I’m hoping it will serve as useful evidence to others who would normally go full panic over such an increase :)

Breakfast today was a single packet of oats, and would initially have been with jam, but the jam looked a bit iffy so I decided to go with the sugar instead. I wasn’t feeling very hungry this morning, and only got a twinge of hunger pains around 9:30, so I thought I’d keep it small. I figured it must be the late meal last night that was still providing energy as normally I’m hungrier before then. Alternatively, maybe my nutritional needs are changing the longer I stick to this way of eating.

Lunch was the standard lunch box, but again I had trouble finishing it. In fact, I didn’t finish it and tucked into it on a number of occasions throughout the afternoon. Again, I’m wondering if this is just me adapting to the diet or just coincidence. Maybe it’s something else?

Dinner was nothing to write home about (although ironically I’m doing just that) but it was filling and tasty. I did try to eat what seemed to be an over ripe banana but gave up as it turned out to be pretty nasty instead. Ah well, can only but try….

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