Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 18 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 92.4
Weight Δ -5.1
Weight Trend (KG) 93.5
BMI 29.8
Body Fat (%) 33.2
Blood Pressure 11776 @ 94 (taken after lunch)
Blood Glucose

My weight has dropped back down again which is expected (but also welcome) and once again I’m no longer obese just overweight. The trend however has kept on doing its thing and plotting a leisurely downward course despite the ups and downs in the weight itself. I’ll see if I can get a good graph to post on here as I think it will make for interesting viewing. So once again, I can highly recommend using the trend to track your weight loss journey.

Oh, and the application I use is called Libra on Android. Great little app that implements the logic from the Hacker’s Diet and happily (for me at least) integrates with withings so I don’t even have to record any of my details, they just get sent directly to the app. Great stuff that really helps you focus on the bits that matter.

Today is a public holiday in Hong Kong and so today I ended up getting up rather late. Well, to be fair I got up pretty early, then changed my mind and went back to bed. Because I’m no longer really feeling much in the way of hunger in the earl mornings any more, I didn’t have breakfast and ended up just having lunch which was a bowl of noodles with, you guessed it, broccoli. Funnily enough I was never all that partial to broccoli and now I eat it on an almost daily basis…

At around 4:30pm, I was getting peckish but found a couple of ripe bananas in the fridge. Icy cold bananas make great snacks and desserts. I’m half tempted to get an ice cream maker that you can put frozen fruits in and create your own sorbets (so I guess it’s really a sorbet maker).

An early dinner at around 6:30pm was the usual potato and rice mix, and very tasty it was too. Still has carrots which adds a new dimension to it, but no tomato today. Every day I get something a little different in the lunch box depending on what is fresh at the local wet market. Very good stuff.

I got peckish again around 9pm and well, I still have a banana left so that’s now been munched. I’m also going through a large amount of soda water. I’m hoping there’s nothing particularly bad about consuming a litre of this stuff on a daily basis. However given it is Dr. McDougall’s favourite drink, I think I’m fairly safe…

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