Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 25 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 92.3
Weight Δ -5.2
Weight Trend (KG) 92.9
BMI 29.8
Body Fat (%) 34
Blood Pressure 115 / 72 @ 77
Blood Glucose 5.7

Today started off pretty well. I had booked an appointment to get my foot looked at as it has been causing me some pain, especially first thing in the morning. I figured it was Plantar Fasciitis but wanted it confirmed before I did any running or training on it. The podiatrist was really good and confirmed my suspicions as well as helped me out with some treatment. Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment is pretty weird but also pretty effective at decreasing the pain. I need to go back for a follow up dose in a week’s time. It’s a combination of painful and ticklish with a dash of weird - so it’s not something I’m really looking forward to, although I’m not too worried about it either. I’ll also get an insole made to help support my feet which are at a non-ideal angle.

This all added up to me missing a morning of work as well as breakfast (although I did snaffle a banana on the way out the door). Needless to say I was pretty hungry by lunch time but fortunately I had my lunch box ready. Alas, it was missing my usual salty pickle which does make a difference. The food isn’t bad, but it’s just not quite as peppy without those salty additions. True they’re probably too salty for my own good, but hey, they helped me stick to this way of eating for 25 days so far which is pretty good I think :)

Actually I haven’t really had any cravings for other foods and so far, to the best of my knowledge, no transgressions. That is I haven’t had coffee or alcohol since I started. Now, I haven’t banned those - I’m still keeping those on the menu, my goal is just to greatly reduce them. A beer with a friend I haven’t seen in years is such an occasion, or where I’m having a really rough and low morning (for the coffee that is). That said, neither are particularly good for me, but nor will they cause me much in the way of issues in these sorts of amounts.

I’ve also now eaten a couple of my new McDougall pots so I’ll be writing up some reviews on those later. They’re pretty good, although I think the mouthful of the noodles is a bit off. They’re not bad, just different and honestly still just as tasty. I’ve had the peanut and the miso ones so far. The peanut is pretty spicy - but you’ll have to wait for my more in depth review for more :)

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