Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 26 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 91.0
Weight Δ -6.5
Weight Trend (KG) 92.6
BMI 29.4
Body Fat (%) 31.1
Blood Pressure 109 / 67 @ 80
Blood Glucose 4.9

Looks like my weight has dropped down to a low point again. I’m pretty impressed with how well this has gone so far. I’ve also managed to figure out how to get the chart of Libra. It has a feature cunning disguised as “Export Chart” which, well, exports the chart. Here it is:

Libra Chart

You can see quite clearly from this chart how the individual weights have jumped all over the place, but the trend has remained pretty steady and has consistently shown a decrease in weight. Okay, there was one point where it hit the trend exactly which gave me a little bit of a flat line, but overall I think this is much nicer way of looking at weight loss.

For example, if you remove the trend line and only have the individual data points and then plot a line between them, you will see a lot of ups and downs, which are likely to be very disheartening for dieters - including myself. The trend takes that out of the equation. Yes it’s nice to see the number on the scales, but the trend puts that number into perspective. The further away from the trend it is, the more unlikely that weight is “real” and you can expect it to reverse the next day. This is fine if you have a trend to show you that and that is why I really like this software!

Breakfast was a McDougall pot but it was waaaaaay too sweet. It comes with the oats and an extra package of sugar to sweeten it to taste. Previously when I had this pot (a long time ago) I dumped the whole thing in so I repeated that process today. Today though I found it almost sickly sweet (think melted ice cream) and so I’ll be much more careful next time. I’m not sure if this is neural adaption, faulty memory or just a change in preferences. Will find out next time I suppose…

Lunch was my usual box and as usual it was tasty :)

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