Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 28 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 91.7
Weight Δ -5.8
Weight Trend (KG) 92.4
BMI 29.6
Body Fat (%) 32
Blood Pressure 114 / 78 @ 78
Blood Glucose 5.6

I skipped breakfast today as I wasn’t really feeling hungry and couldn’t find anything I fancied eating. Actually, that’s not entirely true, I did grab a banana as I was going out the door. I expected to be back around lunch time and it was around 10am already so I figured I could probably last a few hours. Turns out I did okay, but as lunch time starting ticking past I was getting pretty hungry. Everyone else got either some local Chinese food or Western food, neither of which would remotely qualify as McDougall approved. I on the other hand went for a foot long veggie delight. Haven’t had one in a while and this one was particularly good. Maybe they just over stuffed the veggies. I’m not sure how many calories are in this sandwich (and as I mentioned before I don’t calorie count in any case), but given that it’s just a sub full of fresh veggies, I doubt it’s all that high. I still need to find out if there is oil in their bread, but I don’t eat there very often anyway, at most once every couple of weeks. Still that’s no excuse - I should get onto that just in case. I wonder if they’ll let me provide my own bread - I suspect not given that their servings are geared specifically for the size of bread they provide - but you never know… Besides, there might not be any oil in the bread in which case I’m home free.

For some reason I spent most of the afternoon and early evening asleep. I went for a “brief” lie down and woke up hours later. I did find last week that I was really tired on a number of days and couldn’t place why. Even more strangely today I was feeling fine and zonked out for hours. I’m not really sure if I have a sleep deficit as such and I’m not sure why I have trouble sleeping now and then. I haven’t tried out my idea of going for a walk yet as I haven’t been keep that much awake (and I’m still waiting for my foot to get better) but I will definitely try that next time.

Dinner was the Standard Peter Diet (SPD - catchy no?) but today there were no potatoes. I’m not sure how well I do on just rice or noodle as they seem to be processed much quicker. That’s not too surprising I guess as they’re pretty refined. Still my weight is decreasing and I’m not having any specific cravings, so I’m not too worried about this. For maximum weight loss, I should cut out the refined foods, which for the most part I am doing (except the white rice). I might try to get a small bag of brown rice of something more wholistic (not a typo) and see how that goes. The main issue there is that I’m not the person cooking it, so it’s a bit difficult to make demands on what to cook. Still, I could pick up a mini rice cooker and take care of it that way. They’re not expensive and they get the job done so…

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