Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 29 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 90.2
Weight Δ -7.3
Weight Trend (KG) 92.2
BMI 29.1
Body Fat (%) 31.9
Blood Pressure 110 / 68 @ 72
Blood Glucose 5.1

I woke up at a reasonable time today and was able to get all my measurements in without any trouble. Breakfast today was a tin of beans. Not the most luxurious of breakfast, but it’s hot, tasty and very filling. Usually such a bowl will last me until lunch time easily and baked beans are pretty cheap which is a nice bonus. Thanks to my 28 days of starchy eating, I don’t get any, “side effects” from eating such a large amount of beans :)

Lunch was the same as dinner, and alas was missing the potatoes. I do like those quite a bit and so I do miss them when they’re not present. It did have salty pickle though and that’s always good. I finished off lunch with a small apple as I had ended up with several salty pickle pieces at the end and the taste was a little over powering. The apple was a nice punctuation to lunch and was really sweet.

Oh yeah, I also nommed on a number of grapes throughout the day, literally just a couple at a time here and there - maybe 8 at most? Nothing major, just throwing it out there.

Ginseng no longer effective?

Around 3:30pm I decided to give my ginseng drink a try. I had found that this made a big difference on my ability to focus and concentrate and is a “natural” remedy (well it’s a highly concentrated extract, so natural isn’t really the word). In any case it’s much better than the medications prescribed for dealing with such things - those are very potent and very powerful drugs. Hence I do my best to avoid them wherever possible.

Here’s the weird thing though. Although I had benefited greatly from ginseng initially when I first started using it, when I tried it today (okay, I admit it, I was curious) I wondered how much clearer my mind would be now that my system is much cleaner from the healthy diet. I was surprised to discover that after drinking a mug, I can feel no impact or change whatsoever. It’s as if I hadn’t actually had any at all.

This is very interesting, because I found this tea to be a viable alternative to strong medication, and yet now I’m showing no benefit from it. Perhaps then diet has also improved my brain chemistry to the point where I no longer need any additional support. That’s an interesting thought, and it’s quite possible that Adult AD(H)D, at least in my case is diet induced. That seems plausible but the idea of curing or reversing that condition with simple nutrition rather than potent medication is pretty epic.


I had a banana and a snack pot (this time it as a McDougall “szechuan” noodle pot - though surprisingly the peanut sauce version is quite a bit spicier. Not complaining though, they’re both pretty decent, although the noodles are still not quit there… I really should do a post on those pots.


Dinner was as usual (hail the return of the potato!) but it also included this:

Edamame in Soy Sauce

It was very tasty, but the rest of the meal was still the same size as usual and after munching through the bowl of edamame, I was already starting to get full. I did get the entire lot down though, although I strongly suspect I’m going to go up a few kilos tomorrow morning. You can’t this much food (in terms of poundage) and not suffer the consequences.

Still, it was very tasty…

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