Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 30 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 92.1
Weight Δ -5.4
Weight Trend (KG) 92.2
BMI 29.7
Body Fat (%) 31.9
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose

Although I got up early, I ended up not having time to take my other measurements apart from weight. I have to admit, today was a bit disappointing, as when I first weighed I was only 90KG which was very exciting. However the battery then died in the scale before it could upload the results, and so after swapping out the batteries, I tried again and this time I was 92.1KG. To be honest I expected to go up which was why I was so surprised and happy about it going down to 90KG. I guess even with the trend I’m not totally immune to such things ;)

Still, the trend shows my weight at 92.2 which is basically unchanged from yesterday. Hopefully things will continue to proceed as planned from tomorrow. I’m not in a huge hurry, but just as a fantasy, I’d like to drop below 90KG by the end of the month and it would be super great if I was <= 80KG by the time I fly out to the 10 day McDougall program (which will be on the 3rd of December). Those weights and dates are totally arbitrary and I won’t be too disappointed if they don’t pan out - it would just be rather nice if they did :)

Breakfast was a McDougall oats pot, again with half the sugar. I added more water this time and it went down pretty well. Alas that was my last breakfast pot and although it was tasty, the cost to ship them is pretty high because each one is treated individually as half a pound for shipping. This is to avoid the issue where you have a relatively large item (such as a pot) that weighs basically nothing (such as a pot full of dried oats). I could really do with finding a local supplier - or perhaps becoming that supplier…

Lunch was good an as usual it was a clone of yesterday’s dinner. Although this time there were no edamame, presumably because I ate all of those yesterday. Not to worry, maybe there will be some more of those tonight…

This afternoon around 4pm I was really lagging and I’m not at all sure why. The ginseng is now rendered inert, presumably thanks to my diet (though what it does I have no idea) and so I’m going for a double espresso with sugar. People who’ve read my blog up until know will know that I’ve been keeping away from caffeine in general and coffee in particular, mostly based on Dr. McDougall’s recommendation. I have no argument against it, so I’m choosing to follow it, although I have kept the window open for use of coffee for medicinal purposes i.e. when I’m feeling like crap.

Of course I expected the ginseng to actually do some good and, well, it didn’t, so there’s really no reason to suspect coffee will work either. I have to admit that that is a good part of the reason I’m giving this a try. I won’t be adding coffee back to my mainstream diet in any case, but I am curious as to whether or not the caffeine will have any magic impact on me. I suspect not, given that I’ve never really been able to tell if caffeine is doing anything or not, but I figured it was worth a try. After all, I do not anticipate there to be any risk of indulging in a single coffee.

Dinner was another big bowl of happiness. I’m really still enjoying this food, even though it’s pretty much the same all the time. I guess I have the sandwich if I ever fancy something really different.

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