Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 31 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 91.4
Weight Δ -6.1
Weight Trend (KG) 92.1
BMI 29.5
Body Fat (%) 32.1
Blood Pressure 122 / 75 @ 61
Blood Glucose 3.6

Got up very late today, which was unfortunate as I was supposed to go and withdraw some cash from the bank for a delivery. I should have done that last night, but it was already pretty late… Ah well, live and learn I suppose. In any case I only had time to take my weight before running out the door.

My blood glucose is pretty low, but this is because I didn’t have time to eat breakfast as I was working on a production issue. I didn’t get a few grapes down until after 11am, and understandably, my blood sugar and blood pressure (taken at the same time) reflect that “stress”. Although I was hungry, it wasn’t really a big deal, just an empty feeling, not painful at all.

Lunch, well, I didn’t really eat my lunchbox at lunch time as I was chatting to people and there was fresh gourmet bread today. I had a nice chunk of that (I know this bread doesn’t have oil in it as I checked previously) and didn’t feel the need for the lunch box. I think this is a big change in my eating habits as before I was much more focused on eating when the clock said rather than when my body said…

I tucked into the box about 4:30pm and I haven’t actually had any McDougall pots for a while. I’ll need that for Friday when I go on campus as the food provided is decidedly non McDougall approved.

Not too much to say about dinner - same as usual and as usual I’m not bored of it :)

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