Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 34 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 90.8
Weight Δ -6.7
Weight Trend (KG) 91.7
BMI 29.3
Body Fat (%) 31.9
Blood Pressure 126 / 78 @ 72
Blood Glucose 4.2

Breakfast today was not beans. I was having breakfast on campus as I had an early lecture and was hoping to catch up and grab some breakfast before it started. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out, but I was on campus by 8:25 or so, and decided to visit 711 instead of the canteen. Turns out they have a hot water tap, but although it was ideal for making my McDougall oat pot (I need to invest in more of these - very convenient for these sorts of occasions), it was bolted down and too low to fill my flask. That’s annoying because it means I can’t make tea and they’ll only serve coffee during the lectures. I’m hoping this time it will actually be black coffee because at least I can get away with that. I won’t be drinking milk coffee however, so my options really are limited.

I ended up taking the pot back to the classroom which fortuitously someone had opened for me. Gave me time to set up and take my readings. Of course the weight was taken at home but the rest I took at my desk. The blood glucose seems about normal but my blood pressure is a bit elevated today. It’s nothing to worry about, but it could just be because I was moving pretty quick to get to class. Not worried though - my blood pressure is better than most people at rest :)

Today coffee, tea and biscuits were provided as last time. Sadly, they also brought white coffee even though they were supposed to bring black. Ah well, maybe tomorrow? I will need to make sure I fill up my flask with hot water - then I can make tea instead :)

Class finished early and we were released at lunch time. I had planned to eat my lunch box when I got home, but unfortunately, it tasted a little fizzy. The fridge had been full so the box had been left out in my office, which although is consistently air conditioned (computers get warm) it wasn’t cold enough to protect the food. Happily though, part of the reason it wouldn’t fit in the fridge was because there was another lunch box in there (yesterday I hadn’t come home in time to eat) and so I was able to eat that. Just shows that even pure veggies need to be looked after!

Dinner turned out to be the remains of the lunchbox as I hadn’t actually cleared it from lunch time. I wasn’t feeling too hungry, just a little peckish and so getting the rest down was a good compromise. Then of course it was time for sleep, but it had been a super long day so that also seemed like a good idea :)

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