Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 38 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 90.0
Weight Δ -7.5
Weight Trend (KG) 90.9
BMI 29.1
Body Fat (%) 30.7
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose

Another public holiday today, although I think this is the last one until Christmas. We seem to have had quite a few of these in the last couple of months. Can’t complain but I wish they’d happen on Mondays on Fridays so that we could actually make good use of them. Today was another late start which meant either a late breakfast or a very early lunch. So I decided to go for something light and had some of the puffed millet. Very filling, but only lasts a couple of hours. Given most of the volume is air, it’s not really surprising. There’s not a lot of energy in puffed millet it seems. The “traditional” soy milk goes really well with it. It’s sweet but not overly so (although clearly isn’t unsweetened).

Anyway that kept me going until it was time for a late lunch. That was basically my usual lunchbox so nothing too special to report there. I had fancied a sandwich but by the time I got through my lunchbox, I was at the comfortably full stage where I just knew eating any more would be a mistake. Besides, I can always have a sandwich some other day - it’s not like it’s going anywhere :)

Dinner was enhanced today by containing a solid portion of edamame. Was really happy to see those in the bowl :)

Other than that, nothing unusual in today’s eating :)

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