Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 41 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 89.7
Weight Δ -7.8
Weight Trend (KG) 90.6
Body Fat (%) 30.9
Blood Pressure 102 / 72 @ 86
Blood Glucose 5.8

A good day today, although pretty basic on the starch solution front. For breakfast I had puffed millet with that rather tasty soy milk. I’ve managed to stock up on that and notice that they had an unsweetened version as well. Now, in theory that’s probably better for me because it doesn’t have cane sugar added to it. Presumably by cane sugar they basically mean white refined sugar. That said, Dr. McDougall isn’t really against using sugar as a sweetner (i.e. it enhances the taste, not sitting down and eating a bowl full) and with de novo lipogenesis, it’s not likely to turn into fat. It is certainly true that if you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t want to be stocking up on the pure energy in refined sugars, but a little bit here and now is unlikely to pose a problem.

Course, as I found before, the normal sized bowl full of puffed millet is not super filling and by lunch time I was hungry again - but I had another appointment to go to after a fun packed morning on campus. I got back around 2pm ish and went for a large sandwich. This time they got it right and used vinegar rather than olive oil (which meant they had to replace it last time because no way I’m eating that). Was pretty tasty…

I had to go back out again in the evening, and was late back, but had a pre-prepared lunch box for that event (no home cooked dinner). Still, it warmed up nicely and all was well :)

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