Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 42 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 89.6
Weight Δ -7.9
Weight Trend (KG) 90.5
Body Fat (%) 31.2
Blood Pressure 106 / 66 @ 100
Blood Glucose 5.4

The last of the millet went today and will require a reinvestment in some cereal. It’s a good safe snack to have around at home, and if you load up with enough of it, it’s pretty filling.

Today was movie day with my son, and the big thing about watching movies at home is that there’s no popcorn. He also likes popcorn (it’s something I will probably still get if I go to the cinema), so I wanted to spice things up a bit. I found a good solution where I can pop popcorn in the microwave with just a basic bowl and a lid. Unfortunately, although they were microwave safe, I didn’t take into account the temperature that the individual kernels would reach prior to popping - which meant I ended up destroyng both the bowl and the lid. Crap. Still, lesson learned and the popcorn was awesome - tasted just fine and had no oil or other dodgy ingredients. It’s also much much cheaper than microwave popcorn that’s usually sold here (assuming you can find it of course).

After all that popcorn we weren’t really hungry and then actually in the early evening I fell asleep. I woke up in time for dinner, which I enjoyed, and I also decided to have one of the beers that I still had around. This turned out to be quite an interesting experience.

Until maybe 8 years ago or so, I never really drank beer - I didn’t like the taste. It wasn’t until I shared a flat with a guy who had good taste in local specialty beers that I started getting into it. When I came to Hong Kong I found I quite like Tsing Tao which is the main beer available here. It’s tasty and crisp and rather light.

Interestingly though it seems beer is not too compatible with the starch solution. Now Dr. McDougall makes it clear that he does not recommend alcohol, but he doesn’t forbid it either. So I figure one now and then is no big deal. However I think the starchy foods gets in the way of the gas escaping because drinking beer with this can actually get painful as the gas builds rather than escapes. What is especially interesting is that this does not seem to happen with fizzy water - which is really pretty similar. I don’t know what’s going on there but it’s certainly making beer less and less interesting as time goes by…

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