Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 45 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 90
Weight Δ -7.5
Weight Trend (KG) 90.3
BMI 29.1
Body Fat (%) 32.1
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose

Another late start but I did find time to get on the scale so at least I’ve got my weight recorded today (useful for the trend analysis). Looks like I’m hovering around the 90KG mark. I’m not too surprised as when I’ve tried to lose weight before, the 90KG, and 86KG marks seemed to be the hardest to shift for some reason. I’m not a subscriber to set point theory and I believe that the body will always try to return to its optimum weight and composition - that’s just good homeostasis. Still, I do seem to be hanging around this level again and I haven’t really shifted much weight wise in the past 4 days. In fact if anything it has gone up slightly.

Of course the trend still shows downward progress, although that trend has been slowing dramatically, even though I’ve not changed my dietary habits. I guess I’m not too surprised at that and it’s well known that you tend to lose the most weight at the beginning of a new diet and that the benefits tend to taper off the longer you stay on it. That said, I find it curious that it’s happening around the 90KG mark and wonder if there is something about this specific weight for me.

In any case I have no plans to change my approach. The trend is still clearly moving in the right direction and this month I have lost nearly 4KG, which is about 2.2lbs per week - right on target for healthy sustained weight loss. I also figure that as my weight changes, my body needs to make other metabolic changes so that it can maintain homeostasis. As things change internally (such as lower blood pressure) it makes sense that some things need to adjust. Even though the change is beneficial to me, I imagine it still needs to be adapted to.

Onwards and downwards hopefully :)


Breakfast was my usual beans, although I’m not planning to buy more Heinz as the sauce isn’t as thick and tasty as the other brand. I’ll still keep getting beans I think as they’re quite filling and they don’t seem to cause me any real problems. I’d like to get some more oats, but for some reason the place where I normally get them no longer sells that product. It’s annoying because it seems every time I go there for something, there’s a little less on offer. This has led to me trying different cereals (such as puffed millet and brown rice) and that’s nice and all, but I would really like some stability in what I can buy. I’ll try to find another way to get hold of the McDougall Oats. Those were pretty tasty and simple to make. Maybe I’ll ask my wife if she’s interested in making the “overnight” oats that she made before. Those were very tasty and filling - and would make a nice change to beans :)

Lunch was the classic lunch box. I’m not sure if I’m somehow getting more and more food in there, but it’s pretty heavy, and I’m pretty sure my dinner bowl is getting bigger. I mean, we’re talking at least a kilo or two of food here. Maybe I should start tracking the mass of the food I’m consuming. That shouldn’t in theory make me gain weight given the very high carb content (and almost non-existent fat) but it could potentially slow down weight loss.

Dinner was also the classic combo, but this time I took the opportunity to weigh it. It was less than what I’ve been having over the last week or so. I think there was the general opinion that I’d starve to death or something and so every day a little bit extra was added. It turned out that yesterday’s food weighed in at 816g (or 0.82kg). That’s not exactly lightweight that, and I’m pretty sure that the previous bowls were a lot bigger, so I’m guestimating say 1.3kg. Now if you’re taking your measurements on a daily basis, and you’re putting through a couple of meals like that in a day, well that’s 3kg going through the system right there. That can easily throw things off if you look at the scale on a purely day to day basis.

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