Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Day 49 - Starch Solution

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 88.8
Weight Δ -8.7
Weight Trend (KG) 89.8
Body Fat (%) 30.6
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose

I finally got to try out the puffed brown rice cereal! It’s only taken like 10 days to be able to actually do that. Fortunately the soy milk was still okay, I was afraid it might have gone off by the time I got to it. The brown rice is pretty tasty - something akin to sugar puffs without the sugar or the crisp crunch. In fact they’re pretty similar to sugar puffs that haven’t been sealed away properly and so have been exposed to air. Ah well, in any case it’s tasty and reasonably (if not terribly) filling.

We were pretty busy in the morning so by the time we had lunch it was getting on a bit. Actually it wasn’t too bad to start with but ended up taking a lot of time due to wandering around to different shops. I ended up with my usual sandwich (mmmm sandwich) and I knew that would keep me going until dinner time. At least it would have taken me close to it.

Turns out it didn’t though, and when hunger struck it was whilst we were out and about. I had planned to eat mashed potato and beans for dinner (a yummy combination) but I really didn’t fancy waiting that long to get home. As everyone else was hungry (especially the little guy) we decided we’d just grab food at a restaurant. We ended up in Dan Ryan’s, which used to be something of a family favourite - we always tended in that direction when it was time for some celebration or another. Once we even had Christmas lunch there.

This time, having learned my lesson with the mashed potato some time back, I ordered a backed potato (completely plain, not even salt and pepper) and a house salad with sauces on the side (i.e. nothing added to the salad itself.). This meant that I could add balsamic vinegar to the salad without having to worry about olive oil, and I could salt and pepper my now mashed potato to my hearts content.

I actually found this pretty filling by itself, but along the way we’d managed to order some broccoli which came in what can only be described as an epic portion. I did attack that, but there was still a ton left at the end, so we boxed it up for later. I also did sneak in another beer with dinner because Dan Ryan’s has Kilkenny and I haven’t found that in many other places and really fancied it. Given the rest of what I ate, I think overall that was pretty decent, especially given the rest of the food on offer was full of meat and dairy. I was quite happy with my medium sized potato.

It turned out that keeping the broccoli was a good thing as it ended up being tomorrow’s lunch. I’ll have the broccoli with some instant mash at work. Very tasty, very simple and also very filling :)

Time for sleep….

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