Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

Back in the red

Well it has been sometime since I updated this blog and as many will have guessed I fell off the wagon. On the bright side, I didn’t revert totally to my old habits. I still don’t eat meat and for the most part avoid dairy. Occassionally I get suckered by a piece of cheese, but that’s a pretty rare event. These days for example I prefer my pizza without cheese - it just tastes better!

Where I really slipped up was going back to my old habits with regards to my nemesis - fizzy, sugary drinks. In particular I think it’s Red Bull and Lucozade (which somehow is a cool drink in Hong Kong whereas in most other countries where it seems to be reserved for the sick, old or infirm). These pack in a huge amount of calories which breaks one of the golden rules do not drink your calories. Oops. That plus a lot of late nights with deadlines all pretty much hitting me at once made it all too easy to fall back to my old ways.

It wasn’t just the energy drinks though. I know exactly when I slipped and it was when I met with friends for a nice IPA beer. We ordered fries. They smelled amazing and sadly, they tasted great too. That was the first time in over two months that I touched something that wasn’t McDougall approved. From that point my mind shifted from “avoid all the poor choices” to “everything in moderation”. What an incredibly stupid thing to do - and yet I did it.

So I ended up being pretty much a junk-food vegan.

Needlees to say, when you eat crap for nearly six months, you can expect to gain weight and that’s exactly what I did. When I weighed myself yesterday morning I was 94.9kg which is 7.3kg from where I was after two months on the Starch Solution. Now the good news is that essentially, it took two months of eating a proper human diet to correct the abuse of 6 months of junk. In other words, if I simply eat properly for 2 months, I can expect to undo the damage that I’ve done to myself - again.

Some people have said that clearly the Starch Solution doesn’t work. I lost a lot of weight but I gained it back. Well yes, that’s what happens when you don’t eat properly. As you can tell from previous posts, I never wanted for anything, was always satisified and ate until I was stuffed. I got tempted by the nice smelling fries and paid the price. It happens. However in no way can the Starch Solution be blamed for that.

In any case it’s time to correct my mistakes - for the second time. I am now much more aware of the pitfalls and I will more carefully follow Dr. Klaper’s advice to “eat before you go out to eat”.

The Plan

I’ll go back on the Starch Solution properly from Monday. Why the delay? Well, I’m already meeting people which will likely involve beer, and that’s not something I want to consider as part of a healthy diet, even though I do not drink in excess (we’re talking maybe one or two beers per week if that), it would be great to get that to none or only on special occassions. I will however eat properly over the next few days and track that here.

I’ll post my first proper update tomorrow, but as I mentioned earlier, I was 94.9kg yesterday and 95.7kg today. I’m putting this down to the fact that I ate very starchily yesterday and no doubt added a lot of bulk contents to my body.

Let the games begin…

Today’s stats:

Statistic Value
Weight (KG) 95.7
Weight Δ
Weight Trend (KG)
Body Fat (%)
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose

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