Starch Works

I have it on good authority that starches make you fat. BigPharma agrees. I do not. Let's see who is right.

TDP - Day Zero

I’m including Day Zero as we flew in a day early into San Francisco. We had the benefit of getting an early night (not that jet lag would let us actually sleep of course) and got our first taste of McDougall food on the program, which was a bean burrito. I’ll get photos aded later - we took pics of pretty much everything we ate.

For those that don’t know, the McDougall Ten Day Program (TDP) is a live in program where you (and hopefully friends and family) can come and learn about a whole foods plant based diet, exercise for functional fitness, a bit of psychology and how to buy and cook these foods once you’re back in the real world. There is a huge amount of information and it’s all well presented by a range of amazing speakers. You can find out more about the program (including a nice video introduction) on the Ten Day Live In Program page on their website.

The live in program is run out of the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa which has comfortable rooms and good facilities. It also has a nice swimming pool although unfortunately this time I can’t take advantage of it.

The program had aranged a car service for us and although it was quite expensive it was well worth it, at least for us. We had flown in at rush hour which didn’t help the price, but far worse was that it took three hours to get to Santa Rosa from San Francisco. Not ideal after a long flight, but we did get to pull over and take some photos of the Golden Gate Bridge. Our driver was really good and knew a huge amount about the area so we also got a history lesson and tour thrown in as well.

All in all a good start to the program…

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